Toxnot's Chemical Database

Free data access for ingredient safety & risk assessments


Why use our database?

Checkmark Blue White Unified Hazard Scoring Checkmark Blue White Over 90,000 CASRNS
Checkmark Blue White GreenScreen Integration Checkmark Blue White Advanced User Management Capabilities



Chemistry Infographic


A Chemical Hazard Database Built for Product Safety & Risk Mitigation 

Toxnot's database is the foundation of our comprehensive platform. Our database is trusted and used by some of the largest global consumer goods companies. Whether you're a toxicologist, a compliance manager, or a product steward, you'll discover our database is inherently built for your needs. Screen products and materials for safety, compliance, & more!


Have more questions? Reach out to our team

Our chemical database allows users to:

  • View aggregated data from over 60 lists including regional GHS lists and GreenScreen Assessments.

  • Use statuses, folders, and tags to organize products designating which require approval and review as well as grant user permissions

  • Access over 90,000 CASRNs with any relevant hazard data, associated regulation and hazard lists, restricted substance lists, GreenScreen Assessments, and other general information.

  • A full chemical hazard end-points table is provided which provides a rating on 21 different hazard end-points including carcinogen and reproductive hazards.

  • Obtain metrics on human health hazards of substances & ingredients based on hazard endpoints

Chemical Database Infographic_test_2



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How Toxnot can help

Our platform gives you the confidence, control, and simplicity you're looking for when it comes to a chemical database. We know these solutions can be confusing so we made ours easy to navigate!

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Screen Instantly with Ease

Our platform puts the power of your own data back into your hands by allowing you to learn more instantly through our powerful reporting features.

Tracking & Auditability

Discover the ability to track products & materials over time more closely with our auditable history control.

Be Confident in your Data

Discovering new data insights from our platform gives you the confidence you deserve to effectively manage your products.

Manage Compliance Determinations

Make determinations from your products and leverage compliance data from suppliers.